Internal Communication Planning
It is a wise corporation or organization that values the perceptions of its employees and plans to ensure they are always kept within the communication “loop.” Happy, engaged employees are your best spokespeople, while disgruntled employees can do your organization much harm.

This has never been truer than it is today, with the advent of social media. Furthermore, unhappy employees cost organization’s money, either through unproductive behavior or as a result of quitting – which requires additional investment in training.

Most internal communication plans live within the Human Resources department, and there are many good examples to draw from. Other plans, however, are more problematic. In breaking news to employees, they tell what is going to happen without explaining the why. Oftentimes, employee communication vehicles such as newsletters or Intranet sites contain news that is irrelevant to employees, because they lack the “What’s in it for me?” factor. Worse still, some are inconsistent or slow in sharing important news, especially during times of crisis or uncertainty.

Through confidential executive and employee surveys and the introduction of “best practice” examples, we can help you develop the internal communication plan that is just right for your organization. We also offer a team of experts who can help design and provide content for communication delivery vehicles such as Intranet portals, newsletters, blast e-mail campaigns and more.

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